Follow along with Brett Wood and Eric Rampson, the creators behind The Silver Bullet, as they make the comic and complain about all the work they have to do.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Couple of pages from issue 5....

I'm not stating what page is what anymore, if you wanna find out what page is what, go buy the comic when it comes out! But I will show you the artwork.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

SILVER BULLET issue 5 cover by KHOI PHAM!!

Khoi Pham who is the artist on Mighty Avengers from Marvel, did the cover for The Silver Bullet issue 5! How exciting and cool is that! Werewolf and Silvery goodness no holds barred, you'll need to pick up this issue for sure!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Silver Bullet issue 5 pencils page 5...

I went to C2E2 in Chicago a few weeks ago and me and Eric Rampson had the opportunity to sell some Silver Bullet books as well as my sketchbook to a lot of cool people. Upon returning I've gotten emails from people I met at the con and I'd just like to say thanks to everyone who sent an email and all the kind words about the art the Silver Bullet and all the support you've shown me, it has really been awesome and much appreciated! Here's page 5 from issue 5. Just the pencils.