Follow along with Brett Wood and Eric Rampson, the creators behind The Silver Bullet, as they make the comic and complain about all the work they have to do.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Thursday, June 17, 2010


Sorry for the delay on this one, Bulletheads. I've been kiked around by real life for the past couple of months but everything's smoothed out now and The SIlver Bullet #4 is on its way to the printer, meaning it should be available in mid-July. #5 is on track to be ready and waiting on our table at the Chicago Comic Con in August, so stop by and spend some hard earned cash while you're at the show!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Couple of pages from issue 5....

I'm not stating what page is what anymore, if you wanna find out what page is what, go buy the comic when it comes out! But I will show you the artwork.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

SILVER BULLET issue 5 cover by KHOI PHAM!!

Khoi Pham who is the artist on Mighty Avengers from Marvel, did the cover for The Silver Bullet issue 5! How exciting and cool is that! Werewolf and Silvery goodness no holds barred, you'll need to pick up this issue for sure!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Silver Bullet issue 5 pencils page 5...

I went to C2E2 in Chicago a few weeks ago and me and Eric Rampson had the opportunity to sell some Silver Bullet books as well as my sketchbook to a lot of cool people. Upon returning I've gotten emails from people I met at the con and I'd just like to say thanks to everyone who sent an email and all the kind words about the art the Silver Bullet and all the support you've shown me, it has really been awesome and much appreciated! Here's page 5 from issue 5. Just the pencils.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Brett Has A Video Camera!

Silver Bullet artist extraordinaire Brett Honeypot Wood has a video camera and he brought it with him to C2E2. He has hours upon hours of footage of wacky hi-jinks and tearful moments full of the hope for a better tomorrow. Also, there's me talking to complete strangers outside a Chicago hotel. This is riveting stuff, folks! You can find the videos HERE!

Anyway, thanks for coming by to see us at the show, those of you who did come to see us. Drop us a comment to let us know who you are!

Me, Courtney and Joe Quesada before the rock show....

Taken by Eric.... thanks Eric!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Issue #5 Rough Cover

Brett is like a machine. A clanking, cranking, smoking, steaming machine of comic art. He just keeps plugging along, endlessly. When the universe inevitably collapses in the Big Crunch(tm), Brett will be compressed into nothingness with his pencil in hand. He sent me the final pages of Issue #4 and then almost IMMEDIATELY sent the rough cover to Issue #5.

That is one impressive looking techno-werewolf, ain't it? And whose skull is that? Is it the Bullet's? Is it Shoogla's? Is it that astronaut from the first issue's? All of these are possibilities, my friends. We don't like to limit ourselves with silly things like logical consistency here at Silver Bullet Headquarters - for all I know, it might end up being my bleached skull that werewolf is glaring at. Or is he smugly smiling at a job well done? Or is he gassy? Again, all possibilities but you'll just have to wait until Issue #5 is ready to find out the answers.

(In the interest of fariness, the answer to the question of whose skull it is isn't actually directly answered in Issue #5 although there is a pretty big hint.)

Thursday, April 8, 2010

We Got Ourselves Reviewed!

AICN Comics reviewed The Silver Bullet #1 this week in their Indie Jones section (follow the link and scroll down, it's the third review).


They loved it. Seriously. LOVED. IT. It's like they think it's the next Watchmen or something. They love it so much, they might just marry it!

Honestly though, they liked it a lot. And for that, we like them a lot.

Viva El Bullet!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Issue #4 Cover!

Look at that gorgeous image. Don't it just make you want to spend your hard earned American dollars on the superheroic hijinks wrapped inside? I know it stirs my capitalistic urges. Damn!

The pencils are, as always, by our very own Brett Wood. The colors this time around were done by Mr. Wil "I Draw The Redeemers" Brendel. It's like All In The Family up in here!

Issue #4 is about half done or so, which means it should be ready to go to the printer in about a month. Man, we are a comic book making machine and by we, I mean Brett, since I don't really do much of anything really except profit off the sweat of his brow. And make bad jokes and obscure pop-culture references.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Over at The Redeemers Blog, I just posted some script pages with the accompanying art. I feel like there is very little of that happening (outside of Bendis and Kirkman releasing scriptbooks or putting parts of the script in the back of issues) and I think it can be a great help to those who want to write comics.

On The Silver Bullet, I don't write full-script. I give Brett a small paragraph per page to outline the action of the page and leave it up to him to draw it whatever way he wants. I don't actually "script" it until the artwork is done and I go into the lettering phase - I come up with all the captions and dialogue as I go. It's a bit more arduous but I get to use my improv comedy muscles and I'm finding that, while it is a bit "messier" than the stuff I full-script, I've gotten some really fun moments out of the process.

Without further ado, here are the page blurbs for the first four pages of Silver Bullet #1 with the accompanying art and scripting/lettering by me and Brett.

Page One
An astronaut stands on the moon. The Earth is reflected in his visor. He is conversing with Houston about finally getting to step foot on the moon – he thought we’d never go back. He asks why they stopped going up there. Suddenly, there is a slimy, creepy tentacle reflected in his visor.

Page Two
At Houston Control Center, people are running around crazy as the astronaut screams for help. Only one man, CMDR. JERRY JINDLEBECK, stands still, a single spot of calm in the chaos. He is pointing in two different directions, hollering orders. A radar tech yells out that they are reading something launching from American soil at a ridiculous speed heading straight for the moon. JINDLEBECK hopes it isn’t (but knows it is) THE SILVER BULLET.

Page Three
A single “hero-shot” image of SB streaking from Earth to the moon. Leave a lot of room for thought bubbles – I want to do lots of thought bubbles.

TITLE: The Silver Bullet in: A.S.T. – Alien Standard Time, Part One!

Page Four
The ALIEN (whose tentacle we saw on the first page) towers over the astronaut, several tentacles raised above its head. It actually looks more scared than angry. It is speaking in its weird alien language. There is a large, watch-looking device on one of its tentacles. The astronaut is cowering in front of it. SB slams into the ALIEN, pulling it up and out into space. The astronaut tells Houston what is happening as we see SB ripping off one of the ALIEN’S TENTACLES reflected in his visor.

Something I noticed right off the bat - NASA's Houston Control became the Nebraska Space Association (there's an asterik in SB's thought balloon on p.3 that is missing the editorial note about what NSA stands for, dammit!), which I think was brought about becasue Brett forgot an "A" on the bulding's sign on p.2 and I was too lazy to make him redo it.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Nothing for months and then BLAM two posts in one day! I just had to post up the cover for issue #3 because Brett and colorist Jeremy Colwell knocked this one out of the park.

Who wouldn't want to read whatever is wrapped in that beautiful cover? A commie, that's who!

Silver Bullet #3 Coming Soon!

The Silver Bullet #3 should be going to the printer very soon. Here's a page from the 3-page back-up story "All You Need Is Hate!"

See that guy on the right of the bottom two panels? That's the notorious Mon Oncle Monocle, Evil French Semi-Genius.  Expect big things from him in the future because he's got the Silver Bullet's number and he isn't afraid of long-distance roaming charges!

Brett and I will be at C2E2 in April with copies of Silver Bullet #1, #2, and #3 as well as (hopefully) an awesome full-color Silver Bullet poster. Brett will most likey be drawing sketch comissions and I will, of course, be doing my patented Stories for a Buck all weekend. If you're in Chicago, come on out to the show on April 16-18 at McCormick Place and say hello!